British Columbia Highway Cams
Click on any of the cam images to view fullsize.

Highway Cam
Cole Road Rest Area, looking east.

Highway Cam
Boston Bar
Hwy 1 at Kahmoose Rd, 12 km north of Boston Bar, looking north. (elevation: 285 metres)

Highway Cam
Cache Creek
200 m east of the intersection of Hwy 1 and 97, looking east on Hwy 1.

Highway Cam
Begbie Summit
Hwy 97, Begbie Summit, 100 Mile House area, looking north.

Highway Cam
Hwy 97, 37km south of Williams Lake, looking north.

Highway Cam
Sheridan Lake
Hwy 24, 63 km west of Little Fort, looking west.

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The 100 Mile House, B.C. Wilderness Retreat Project
(c)Copyright 2004-2005, John R. Magnell, D.C.

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